Reazo’s Real Estate Blog: For Real Estate Agents Who Want to Nurture Leads Into Closings

12 Months of New Year's Resolutions That Will Have You Laughing!

Written by Janelle D. | Jan 16, 2023 6:03:00 PM

It’s time for the 12 months of New Year’s resolutions!  Don’t take yourself too seriously when looking at the 2023 New Year’s resolutions you set for yourself. 91% of people don’t follow through with their resolutions because they’re NORMAL!  Anywho, let's take a look at the plan for 2023.  No judgment!


January - Accept that it’s a new year without a business plan, so I'm going to fly by the seat of my pants again! 🚀

February - Find a Valentine’s Day gift for my significant other that’s less hearts-and-chocolate and more we’ve-been-married-an-awfully-long-time-and-I’m-not-buying-into-this-scheme. 💖

March - It’s already been a long year!  I’m going on vacation! 😎

April - Rent an Easter Bunny costume because the Easter baskets filled with sidewalk chalk didn’t paint a pretty picture last year.  I’ve got to redeem myself!

May - Since it’s “May Flowers” time, I’m going to sprout the flower bulbs I bought last year and never planted (still in the bag!) because I’m a good-intentions-didn’t-get-that-done-last-fall kind of gal. 🌷

June - Halfway through the year already!?  I’m going on vacation. 🌴

July - Hire someone to set off a fireworks display so I can avoid reliving the embarrassment of starting the boat dock on fire. 🔥

August - Man, it’s hot outside! 😓 I’m going somewhere cooler for a vacation.

September - September already!?  Oiue!  It’s avoid-shopping-because-of-back-to-school-groupies. 🍎 I think I’ll start working on my business plan for 2024. Hahahahahaha!

October - Decide on a Halloween costume.  Last year I dressed up as a caveman, but for some reason, I looked more like a big, hairy tarantula.  Don’t know how that happened. 😆 This year my costume is going to be something simple, like a ghost? 👻

November - Thanksgiving is here! 🦃 Time for a tryptophan high and a good nap. 😴  Maybe I’ll have it catered this year.  Guests weren’t sure if the pie was mincemeat or apple.  Am I that bad at making pies!?

December -  Didn’t we just have a holiday, for goodness sake!?  <deep breath>  Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa is knocking at the door, and I need to order holiday cards, get a pro to clean the house (who wants to see dog hair piling up in the corners as they eat turkey? Not me!), ask my niece to shop for gifts (the adopt-a-star gifts just didn't fly last year), get the dog groomed so he doesn’t look like the abominable snowman, and do some baking (or buy goodies from the local bakery.  No one will know the difference!)  Oh, geez, I still need to write a business plan for 2024! 😆


New Year's Projections

Whatever your intentions/resolutions are for 2023, don't be hard on yourself if you already feel like you've failed.  You haven't failed.  You're like the majority of people who create New Year's resolutions and don't follow through.  It's ok.  I've got a suggestion to make you feel better and get you back on track as you look forward to 2023.

Refocus your New Year's resolutions into projections for greater success.

Consider refocusing your New Year's resolutions into projections.  Start by looking at what worked well for you last year and how you can continue to grow in that area of your business or personal life.  If you were a rockstar on Instagram, research ways in which you can make it even more successful.  If you successfully made short videos and posted them on social media and Youtube but want a bigger audience, start researching what your followers really want.  Videos that answer questions commonly asked by customers, show your personal side, and highlight your hobbies and where you volunteer will help engage more of your audience.

So, let's take those intentions for 2023 and turn them into projections you can feel good about.  You did some great work in 2022, and those successes can become even greater when you make projections for 2023.  Please share some of your personal or professional projections in the comments and how you'll accomplish them.  I can't wait to see what you're working on!