Reazo’s Real Estate Blog: For Real Estate Agents Who Want to Nurture Leads Into Closings

2022 Success & Motivation With Tim Grover

Written by Janelle D. | Feb 14, 2022 4:00:00 PM

If your name is Tim Grover and you are not an Elite Performance Coach, the CEO of ATTACK Athletics, I’m sorry this article isn’t about you. I imagine you’re a great guy. Since you’re here, stick around and read how you can boost motivation and productivity and achieve a tremendous amount of success.

In a recent interview with Tom Ferry, Tim Grover gave unique insights on using a no-excuse approach to success so you can achieve your goals and grow your business. If you’re ready for success, read on.


  • Make Time to Do The Work
  • Your mind has to be stronger than your feelings
  • Track Your Progress  
  • Get off the fence
  • What Are You Building
  • Making Sacrifices
  • Be Adaptable

Make Time to Do The Work


Success takes more than saying you “want it”. You’ve got to make time to do the hard work to achieve great success. Michael Jordan rose to the top as an NBA player by making time to do the difficult work Tim recommended. Now it’s your turn to grow your success as a real estate agent. You be YOU and follow Tim’s highly effective solutions to success.


  • Don’t play the victim 
  • Throw out excuses
  • Learn how to compete
  • Be adaptable
  • Change your mindset 
  • Give up what no longer serves you
  • Surround yourself with winners who pull you up  
  • Make time to review what’s working for you and what isn’t


“Turn the victim mentality into a victor mentality.”


Achieving success takes years of hard work and many failures along the way. Success without failure is impossible. Whether you’re a new or an established real estate agent, start practicing Tim’s recommendations and make time to do the hard work. 

“Your mind has to be stronger than your feelings”


When you wake up in the morning, you may feel like staying in bed even when your mind says, “time for your workout!” You don’t feel like working out. According to Tim, your mind has to be stronger than your feelings to achieve great results.  


Consider a trigger word or action you can use to shift your thinking when feelings keep you from taking action. Tim says cat videos work to interrupt his feelings. Other people might clap loudly or repeat a keyword or phrase. Watch your success grow as you interrupt and overcome feelings that hold you back.

Track Your Progress  


How does tracking progress lead to greater success? If you are among five real estate agents with an opportunity to represent the sale of a $8.5 million property and you aren’t chosen, Tim suggests reevaluating your strategy.  You want to win the next contract, right?


Track your steps leading up to the loss so you can change your plan and win the next contract. The same holds true if you won the contract. Write down everything you did that led to your success. Replicate these steps or improve upon them to succeed the next time. Track your progress to grow your business and achieve continued success.


Get Off The Fence


Tim says you’ve got to get off the fence and make a decision. Throw indecisiveness out the window. As Tim says, ”not making a decision is a decision.” Be deliberate and focus on what’s next. What decision are you going to make today?


Not making a decision is a decision.


What Are You Building


To be successful, you’ve got to decide what you are ultimately building and why. Are you seeking to build a 500 million dollar company within three years? Why is that important to you? Maybe you want to increase the amount of money you donate to a children’s foundation. Perhaps you want to provide more scholarships to a local community college. Consider making the end goal more about changing lives than building wealth. You might enjoy your trip to success a lot more.  

When you know what you’re building and why, you’re on your way to great success. As you achieve each goal along the way, work towards another one. Keep the momentum going.


“Work towards achieving a goal, achieve it, then move on to the next goal.”


Making Sacrifices


To become the most successful real estate agent in your area, you will have to make sacrifices as you put in the work. This might mean taking side jobs until you can make enough money to create momentum toward your goal. You might have to take a part-time job delivering food or cleaning houses so you can pay the rent as you work towards your goal. Do what it takes to support yourself until you can work full-time as an agent. No excuses.


Be Adaptable


Tim asks, “Do you have the ability to change your story?” How about the ability to change your approach to the way you work? Adaptability promotes growth. Remember when people were reluctant to use digital technology to sign documents? Once the pandemic hit, digital signatures were sought after to reduce face-to-face contact and the spread of the virus. We learned that adapting leads to more opportunities. How can you adapt to grow your business?




Start applying Tim Grover’s philosophies and watch your success grow. Stay accountable to yourself and do the hard work necessary to propel you in your business. It’s time to dream big, do the hard work, and surround yourself with people who pull you up and are already successful. As you win at winning, you’ll find yourself winning in all areas of your life.