Reazo’s Real Estate Blog: For Real Estate Agents Who Want to Nurture Leads Into Closings

Tricks New Real Estate Agents Use to Gain Clients

Written by Janelle D. | Jun 8, 2022 3:00:00 PM

To stay competitive as a new real estate agent, you'll want to grow your Sphere of Influence (SOI) and customer database.  Time to get creative!  How can you connect with more potential customers to stand out in a sea of real estate agents?  Start with whom you know and use these tips to grow your customer base so you can enjoy a long, satisfying career as a real estate agent.

Working as a real estate agent is a social career; the more people you add to your CRM (Customer Relationship Management system), the better. Add your friends, family, and past co-workers to your database to get started. Then, reach out to them as soon as possible.  


  • High school friends, coaches, and teachers
  • People at your favorite hangouts 
  • Salespeople at a clothing store
  • Past co-workers and clients
  • Friends of your family
  • Neighbors

As you grow your CRM, you'll learn that many of your friends don't know a single real estate agent. By sharing your new real estate career with your contacts, you'll increase their chance of reaching out to you when they need a real estate agent. Announcing your new career to everyone you know and nurturing these relationships will help you build your sales funnel. Here are a few ways to get the word out about your new career as a real estate agent:


  • Post your new career on all social media channels
  • Direct message (DM) contacts on social media
  • Call and text your friends

Make Connections at Your Favorite Hangouts


Your favorite hangouts provide ample opportunities to connect with potential clients. I love going to bookstores. One day I struck up a conversation with a total stranger when he asked me about Nook books (He thought I was an employee. Honest mistake.). A friend approached me as I was talking to the man, and she thought I was talking to an old friend. It's easy to meet and connect with new people when you have something in common. Look for opportunities the next time you're visiting your favorite store.


When you meet new people, avoid starting the conversation with, "Hi, I'm a new real estate agent….". No one wants to feel like they're talking to a salesperson. Instead, make the conversation about them. Ask about the book they're holding or if they've heard of an author that interests you. Eventually, you can ask what they do for a living and briefly find an opening to talk about real estate.


Script: Self-Improvement Section of Bookstore


You: "How's it going? Have you heard of the author, Winslow Bartner?"

Shopper: "No." <looks away>

You: "Who wrote that book?" (shopper is holding a book)

Shopper: "Kevin Baker."

You: "What does he write about?"

Shopper: "Time management."

You: "I could certainly use that. I just got licensed as a real estate agent."

Shopper: "Oh yeah? What made you go into real estate?" (YOU'RE IN!)

You: (quickly summarize why you started your real estate career.)

Shopper: "I don't think I'll ever buy another house. What a pain." (OPPORTUNITY!)


After listening to what this potential client has to say, acknowledge his real estate concerns, and solve his pain points. When this shopper learns you have a solution to his problem, he'll be more likely to want to engage with you. Eventually, you'll introduce yourself and share contact information. Thanks to your interaction, you've increased the likelihood that he'll choose you as his real estate agent when he's ready to sell his house. Remember to add him to your CRM system and nurture him.

Script:  Clothing Store


A clothing store is another great setting to meet potential clients.  After all, you'll need to buy clothing for your new role as a real estate agent.  For the best opportunity to connect with a potential client, visit stores with mature, established salespeople.  


Salesperson: "Can I help you find anything in particular today?"

You: "I'm looking for an outfit that would be appropriate for a real estate agent."

Salesperson: "Are you in real estate or buying for a friend?" (OFF TO A GOOD START!)

You: "I just got licensed and need help with my wardrobe." (Avoid carrying on about how you can help them buy or sell a house.)

Salesperson: "Well, let's see what we can find." (picks out an outfit)

You: "I like it.  Would I wear this to a new client meeting or an open house?"

Salesperson: "I think it would be a great outfit for both occasions."

You: "When you've visited open houses, what did you see agents wearing?" 

Salesperson: "It has been a long time since I've gone to an open house, but most of them wore casual business clothes."


This conversation might get them talking about a recent open house or wanting to sell their home.  Follow their lead to keep the conversation moving.  After making a purchase, politely thank them and mention that you would love it if they followed you on social media.  To make a more significant impact and build a stronger connection, return to buy clothes from them again.


Nurture your relationships so that when your contacts consider buying or selling a house, they think of you as their real estate agent.



Other Resources


  • Communication tools provided by brokerage
  • Create social media graphics announcing your career in real estate
  • Mail invitations to contacts: social gathering at a local restaurant to celebrate the start of your new career
  • LinkedIn video explaining how your past has prepared you for this new career (ex, your nursing career prepared you to be empathetic towards the struggles of first-time homebuyers)

Remember, every interaction with your contacts can lead to a transaction. When you consistently build up your CRM with new contacts and nurture them, you provide a means for referrals too. Now get out there and make new friends who will become your future real estate clients! Good luck!

Take advantage of our comprehensive lead nurturing guide for real estate agents: