Reazo’s Real Estate Blog: For Real Estate Agents Who Want to Nurture Leads Into Closings

6 Newbie Tactics for Succeeding in Real Estate

Written by Janelle D. | Feb 28, 2022 5:00:00 PM

Real estate success in just three years? YES! Focus on incremental goals, take action, and succeed as a real estate agent. Let's look at how you can start your real estate career with intent and quickly become successful.

Building success as a new real estate agent is accomplished by outlining your goals and revisiting them regularly. Start with daily goals, then weekly, monthly, annually, 3-year, and then your ultimate goal. Take advantage of the suggestions in this article, and each time you master a goal, know that you are creating a successful future in real estate.

  1. Daily Goals
  2. Weekly Goals
  3. Monthly Goals
  4. Annual Goals
  5. 3-Year Goals
  6. Ultimate Goal


Daily Goals


As a newly licensed agent, you'll have a lot of time on your hands, so use it to set goals for continued success. What type of daily goals will start you off on the right foot?   


Schedule time each day to reach out to everyone you know and tell them about your new career in real estate. Make contact with family, friends, your favorite barista, neighbors, etc., to grow your sphere of influence (SOI). Add each person to a CRM program (more on that later) and add notes about how you know them, birthdays, anniversaries, if they own or rent, etc.


  • Get at least 20 minutes of exercise
  • Study the training information provided by your broker
  • Read motivational quotes and articles
  • Read a real-estate-based success book for at least 5 minutes a day
  • Grow your sphere of influence (SOI)


Weekly Goals


Fill each week with educational and motivational videos from successful real estate agents across the country. YouTube videos from real estate coaches will become your friend. Schedule a block of time each week to watch educational real estate videos, and avoid getting distracted by unrelated videos.


High-performing real estate professionals and agents from your office are a gold mine of information. Your broker is the first place to start when learning about what it takes to succeed in real estate. Then, set up one meeting per week with an established real estate agent from your office. Take notes, study and apply what you've learned. What habits brought them great success? What do they do each day that helps them stay focused on their goals?


  • Watch five educational YouTube videos
  • Meet with one successful real estate agent each week
  • Reach out to at least five people  
  • Establish social media channels for business
  • Learn lead nurturing techniques


Monthly Goals


Start using a customer relationship management (CRM) system, and the time you put into it will pay off in the future.  Free CRM programs are a great way to keep track of contacts, including new customers. Look for CRM's that allow you to sort by the name, type of contact (friend, family, agent, etc.), appointments, etc. Eventually, you may want to move to a more robust, paid CRM system so determine in your contacts can be exported.


Some of the most successful people read at least one book per month to help them grow and succeed. As I mentioned in daily goals, read for at least 5 minutes per day, but I imagine you'll find that you read for much longer. Before reading each day, review your notes from the day before. You'll retain more of what you've learned if you review previously written notes.


  • Grow your SOI
  • Start using a CRM program
  • Read one or more real estate books
  • Continuing education credits


Annual Goals


Now that you've established daily, weekly and monthly goals, make sure to set an annual goal too. Consider setting a yearly goal that's just outside of your comfort zone, and you'll find yourself achieving more than you could have ever imagined.


Invest in a real estate coaching program before the end of the first year. Determine if you can afford to meet daily, weekly, or once per month and go for it! The money you invest in a real estate coach will bring you great abundance in the future (tax write-off!).


  • Number of deals you want to close this year
  • Invest in a real estate coach
  • Give back to the community


3-Year Goals


Set 3-year goals when you're a newly licensed real estate agent. What can you imagine achieving in 3 years? Think big! If your annual goal is to sell five homes per year, you may want to quadruple that amount for your 3-year goal. Set up a meeting with your office broker to determine what goal is realistic based on your sales and the market. 


Please take advantage of any Reazo leads you receive, and learn to nurture them into paying clients.  Check out the free Reazo lead nurturing guide at the end of this article.


  • Set a lofty 3-year goal
  • Consult with your broker for advice
  • Long-term nurturing of leads into clients

Ultimate Goal


Now that you've broken down your goals, it's time to think of an ultimate long-long-term goal. Why are you in real estate, and what do you want to achieve? Your short-term goals need to align with your ultimate goal. Do you want to be the highest-producing real estate agent in your company? Do you want to sell $100 million in commercial real estate in a year? Whatever your long-term goal, don't hold back. Before you know it, you'll have achieved the goal and be on your way to achieving a bigger goal!


A few closing words of wisdom:


  • Push and build momentum. Never give up.
  • Keep your client's interests above yours
  • Learn from the best (Tom Ferry, your broker, Kevin Ward, etc.)
  • Make time to learn, even if it's for only 5 minutes a day
  • Communication, practice active listening, be engaging

We know it takes time to nurture a lead into a sale.  That's why we created this extensive lead nurturing guide.  Make the most of every lead, whether it's a Reazo lead or from another source, and fill your sales funnel.