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This is What You’ve Been Missing in Lead Conversion

You’re using social media to market your real estate business but aren’t sure you’re gaining any traction with your leads and followers. You post 5-6 times per week on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. You get “likes” on some of your social media posts but rarely receive comments. What can you do to engage more real estate leads and followers? I’ve got the answer, and you can apply it to social media, email, and texting!


To engage more of your social media followers and real estate leads, you need a creative strategy that leverages emotion (speaks to the heart). According to the B2B Institute, “strategies that appeal to emotions are actually 7x more effective at driving long-term sales, profits, and revenue than rational messaging.” When you make your audience feel something, they’re more likely to engage with your brand, comment on your social media posts, and respond to your direct messages (DMs), emails, and texts.


According to the B2B Institute, “strategies that appeal to emotions are actually 7x more effective at driving long-term sales, profits, and revenue than rational messaging.”


  • Speak to client experiences and values
  • Speak from your unique perspective
  • Use humor without being offensive
  • Use storytelling


When you speak from your unique perspective, the message feels more authentic and resonates more with your audience on social media. The more your message resonates with them, the more engagement you’ll receive. 


“Take a look at this open house flyer from a house I recently sold in Bellcrest. Yes, it’s a beautiful house, but the flyer means so much more to me. I LOVE making them! After getting to know each home seller, I can share how they feel about their home in a way the next homebuyer will engage with and appreciate. See the table and chairs next to the pool? They weren’t included in the initial contract with the buyer, but the couple loved the story behind them and just had to have them in the sale of the house. There is so much more to a house than simply photos. The stories behind the photos sell the houses, and I hope my flyers play a big part in that.”





Sharing funny stories of working with past clients can also be a great way to engage with your audience emotionally. Think back to some of the fun you’ve had with past clients. Did someone fall in the pool at an open house? Did your clients join you on a fun run wearing matching hotdog costumes? Did you laugh until you cried when a client showed up wearing two different shoes? Humor is valuable when you’re trying to make a positive impact on your real estate leads and followers.


Storytelling is a great way to engage your leads and social media followers. Share local stories about your recent experiences with a fantastic family, a fun open house, a fundraiser for a local charity, or a visit to your favorite theater or restaurant. All of these storytelling ideas will engage your audience emotionally if voiced in a heartfelt way. Stories make you relatable, and that resonates with your audience.


“If you’ve followed me on social media for a while, you know I love helping at the local food bank. You can’t imagine how surprised I was to have a client and his son join me last Sunday as we filled bags of food for those in need. I had mentioned how I volunteered every weekend but had no idea they wanted to join me and make a difference in the community. Thank you, Amar and Evan! You made my day, and I’m so grateful!”





No matter how you use these creative strategies to engage emotionally with your audience, your reputation and business will grow in leaps and bounds. By sharing your human side, you can look forward to converting more real estate leads and getting more referrals from past clients.



Client gifts can also create an emotional connection and reflect the quality of your real estate brand. For example, send a closing gift that reflects the homeowner’s interests. Book a sunset dinner cruise around the local bay if they have photos of sunsets around their house. If they love cooking and have a collection of cookbooks, send them the hottest cookbook on the top 10 list of best sellers. Send them a box of dog or cat treats, toys, or even a Chewy subscription if they have pets. If they have a child with an upcoming birthday, send them a gift certificate to a local bouncy house venue. Any of these gift ideas will make a new homeowner or seller feel like you get them, and they’ll remember you the next time they want to buy or sell a house. Imagine the “likes” and comments you’ll get when posting a photo of your client accepting the gift on social media!  


Janelle D.

I've worked in the real estate sector for more than a decade and enjoy sharing my knowledge on the subject and researching the latest trends. In my free time I like to craft, spend time with my family and dog, participate in outdoor activities like hiking, and I'm passionate about photography.

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